Amelia, Book III
The Mummy Case, by Elizabeth Peters.
The project: to read one book a day, every day, and document it here. Books for school or books for fun, they all count - and with any luck, they'll all get reviewed.
Oral History Primer, by Gary L. Shumway. A very short book of suggestions for oral history interviews.
Fire from Heaven, by Mary Renault. This novel about the childhood of Alexander the Great probably shouldn't be on the list since I didn't finish it, and I'm sorry I started it.
The Fourth Queen, by Debbie Taylor. A story about a Scottish girl who becomes Empress of Morocco.
Engaging the Enemy, by Elizabeth Moon. This is the third and most recent installment in the "Kylara Vatta" series, and the story definitely isn't going in the direction I expected. I was disappointed to see some colorful characters go, so I can only hope they'll resurface in some way in Book 4.
The Secret Life of a Knitter, by Stephanie Pearl McPhee. I'm not doing a very good job at the book-a-day thing lately - more like book-every-other-day, if I'm lucky. Too much time at work and too many distractions at home.
The Little Balloonist, by Linda Donn (2006).
Marque and Reprisal, by Elizabeth Moon. I have the next one in the series waiting for me at the library!
The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood, by Andrew Greeley. Bishop Blackie is absolutely my favorite fictional character ever.
Irish Crystal, by Andrew Greeley. The most recent installment in the Nuala Anne McGrail mystery series.
Lonely Planet Guide to Experimental Travel, by Rachael Antony, Joel Henry, and Andrew Dean Nystrom.
The Origins of the Urban Crisis - by Thomas J. Sugrue.
by Jane Jacobs.